This is an elegant story of love, companionship, friendship, marriage, support, worries, disappointments, hopes and all little things that makes life an exhilarating journey.
Ahmet Kuyumcu, _Founder of, Atlanta, USA
Far more than a memoir, its fiction-like tales form a plot of a blockbuster. Thrills, tensions, tender moments, emotions etc. packed in the charming account of the difficulties and simple pleasures of a young Indian couple as graduate students in a foreign country.
Robert H. Clark, _Founder of, Pittsburg, USA
the book is very enjoyable and informative – all foreign students should read it before coming to the US for higher studies.
Bhaba R. Sarkar, _Elton G Yates Distinguished Professor, LSU, USA
The experience of reading this book is simple scintillating and it makes me look at my expat life with newer perspectives.
Rajat, _a New York banker, USA